Standard Chartered マラソン

Standard Charteredマラソンは10年前から、毎年行います。
今年の何月か「いっしょうにStandard Charteredマラソンを参加しましょう」と友達は誘いました。12月2日に決まり、みんな6人でいっしょうに走ると約束しました。
友達その4:もう出る気分がない。(もう頭にきた O_O!!!)





七時間をかかって、「こんなもののためですか?」その思いできました。 :lol:





P.S 日本語でどこが間違ってるとこがあれば、遠慮ぜずに、どうかコメントを残してください。すべて日本語でもいいです。書くのはだめなんだけど、読むのは自信あります。そこから勉強もできますね。

Alright, as you can see above, I am trying my hardest to explain this post in Japanese.  :-)
If you’d like, please feel free to leave your comments all in Japanese. I might not be able to write well in Japanese, but I’m pretty confident with my Japanese readings.

The Stand Chart marathon has been a successful event for the past 10 years. This year, my friend decided for a few of us in the clique to join for the year of 2012. Guess what? My friends decided to bail on me for various reasons like, I’ve got work, I’ve got something on, I just don’t feel like going and I woke up late. It is alright and I don’t blame them. But then again, I was kind of surprised that this happened. I was really looking forward to complete this marathon with my friends, even though we might not complete with the same timing. Oddly, when I thought that my last one standing friend turned up in the marathon had completed it, it turns out she had hurt her ankle and gave up halfway. I was utterly surprised that I was the only one who  finished this marathon and it wasn’t even my idea. I had blisters on both my feet at the start of the marathon, the medic stations were all running out of muscle rubs, the heat on my feet caused my abrasions, I’m having sore throat from having beer at the gathering on the other day… Frankly I was even worried that I might not make it.

At 33km, it was my breaking point. I almost gave up the race. Nevertheless, I pressed on because I had this thought in mind, “I had completed 33km, what is 8km to me? 8km is nothing.” And that this thought continued as I passed 34km, 35km and so on and so forth.
When I reached the finish line, I wanted so much to lie on the ground.

I wish I could have taken more photos so I could post it hear, but I was so exhausted that my mind went blank and I’m just not in the mood to take any photos… Although they have located some pretty interesting ideas on the way, like a person dressed in Santa Clause and candy cane…

Right after the race, most of the people I see are pretty much limping like I did. It was an amusing sight indeed. Long queue for cabs, so I took the train home! Cooked myself lunch and slept for 14 hours straight! Gosh, I am dead beat.

Here is my race results. I sure am satisfied with it.

I’m not sure if it was worth going through all this pain. Right this moment, my body is stilll aching all over. But if I think about it in the future, I could say that it was an achievement I suppose. For once in your life, would you want to complete a 42km marathon?

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2 thoughts on “Standard Chartered マラソン

  1. こんにちは、takです。Fellyさん日本語上手ですよ!漢字とひらがなとカタカナと全部使ってますから。スゴイ!私もFellyさんのブログで英語の勉強します^^

    「いっしょうにStandard Charteredマラソンを参加しましょう」
    「いっしょにStandard Charteredマラソンに参加しましょう」



    I don’t know this marathon. because I have trouble in a marathon. so I’m little interested in a marathon. Is the Stand Chart marathon very famous in the world?

    You have ran about seven hours, and have slept about fourteen hours. That day was exactly a day for a marathon!

    • こんにちはtakさん!

      So, you have not heard about this marathon?
      Do you mean that it would be difficult to complete a marathon, hence, you have little interest in a marathon?
      I suppose it is rather well-known because we have contestants coming from other parts of the world.
      What do you mean by “That day was exactly a day for a marathon!”? Perhaps you could explain in Japanese so I can come up with a better expression in English. :)

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